School update - Servepro has finished cleaning and sanitizing our school. The maintenance department has walked through the building and everything smells and looks good (there's a hint of peppermint smell). School will resume in the morning! Have a great evening!
7 months ago, Coerina Fife
Here is a school update. The restoration company has been cleaning the tunnels and extracting the waste water. They will continue to clean the tunnel and apply disinfectant and deodorizer to the affected areas. They plan to have the project completed by tomorrow afternoon. We plan to hold school on Monday morning at our regular scheduled time. As a reminder, next Friday is a PD day for teachers, and the following Monday is President's Day. We will not hold school on Friday, February 16th, and Monday, February 19th. Have an amazing Valentine's week, and thank you for all of your support.
7 months ago, Coerina Fife
We want to thank everyone for their cooperation, understanding, and smooth operation as we navigated the logistics of our virtual day—all of our stakeholders, including students, faculty and staff, guardians, transportation personnel, etc., were integral in the transition. Just to let you know about the situation, the broken sewer pipe in our tunnels is being replaced, and a restoration company has been hired to clean it. BRMS students should plan to access their curriculum after 10:00 A.M. tomorrow. Middle school students will work from home tomorrow and must be reminded not to access the high school or other school campuses during the day. At this point, we plan to resume school on Monday, February 12th. Thank you again! Queremos agradecer a todos por su cooperación, comprensión y buen funcionamiento mientras atravesábamos la logística de nuestro día virtual; todas nuestras partes interesadas, incluidos estudiantes, profesores y personal, tutores, personal de transporte, etc., fueron parte integral de la transición. Sólo para informarles de la situación, se está reemplazando la tubería de alcantarillado rota en nuestros túneles y se ha contratado a una empresa de restauración para limpiarla. Los estudiantes de BRMS deben planificar el acceso a su plan de estudios después de las 10:00 a. m. mañana. Los estudiantes de secundaria trabajarán desde casa mañana y se les debe recordar que no accedan al campus de la escuela secundaria o secundaria. En este punto, planeamos reanudar la escuela el lunes 12 de febrero. ¡Gracias de nuevo!
7 months ago, Coerina Fife